We are writing to address the growing concerns over the spread of the current strain of Coronavirus, COVID-19.

Both the state and business community are concerned for the health and safety of the people in our state. A number of schools and businesses have closed and/or restricted access to their facilities. Governor Ned Lamont has also banned public gatherings of 250 people or more in the state, although the ban does not appear to apply to churches.

As a church, we want to be wise in handling this issue without compromising the message or mission of the Gospel. Therefore, we are resolved to the following:

  1. We will continue to have public services on Sundays (8 AM and 10:15 AM) and on Wednesdays (6:30 PM).
  2. We will make an extra effort to clean and sanitize frequently contacted surfaces between services.
  3. We will do our best to cooperate with state and local authorities in combating the spread of this virus.
  4. We completely understand that there are those who according to their own health issues may choose to stay at home until the threat of the virus has passed. We fully support you in your decision.
  5. We will stream Sunday sermons on Facebook and also make copies of the message available on CD or mp3 file.
  6. We will confer with ministry leaders on ministry meetings and gatherings and will inform everyone of any changes. Ministry leaders and workers who will not be out to service are asked to contact Pastor Randy at your earliest convenience.
  7. We ask people to follow the common sense hygiene/contact instructions given by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fabout%2Fprevention-treatment.html
  8. We will continue to pray and trust God for global healing, protection and deliverance from this disease.

Thank you all for being a blessing. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns regarding this issue.

In Christ,

Pastor Randy and the Church Council