Prayer Point for the WeekLet us pray that God will deliver us from fear associated with sin.

 Questions for Reflection

The Bible says that the “fear of the Lord” is the “beginning of wisdom.” What does the fear of the Lord look like before we accept Christ as Savior? How is this fear transformed when we become born-again?

What is the main reason that people without Christ live in fear? How does this produce fear in the heart of man? What is the depth of that fear? Is it humanly possible to extricate yourself from fear?

Why did Paul write to Christians about the struggle with fear? What does that say to us? What brings us to a place of slavery to fear?

What does Satan do to try and bring us back into bondage? What assurance do we have from scripture that we can overcome him? What are some other things we can do in order to live in the spirit of adoption?