Prayer Point for the WeekLet us pray for wisdom and discernment in these difficult times.

Questions for Reflection

1. Psalm 91:3 warns us of “the snare of the fowler.” What were the snares Nehemiah encountered? What would have happened to Nehemiah if he fell into them? What can happen we allow ourselves to be ensnared?

2. Although the times are different, the nature of the snares or traps set for the believer is the same. What are some of these modern-day traps? Have you noticed them in your everyday life?

3. One of the entanglements of the hunter’s snare is the “fight fire with fire” mentality. What is the result to responding in kind to another person’s schemes? What spiritual qualities are needed to avoid these entanglements?

4. There are many examples of Jesus both encountering and successfully dealing with the verbal traps of His adversaries. What can be learned from these examples? Think of when you “fell into” the trap of another. How would have Jesus responded? How does this better prepare you for future traps you may encounter?