Prayer Point for the Week Let us pray that the people who made decisions for Christ this weekend would become committed, lifelong followers of Jesus!

Questions for Reflection

  1. The disciples were made aware that Jesus would rise from the dead after the third day. How were they made aware? Why did they forget or doubt His promise after He was crucified? What does their actions teach us about both receiving and holding onto the promises of God?
  2. At the Crucifixion, there were very few people who believed in and supported Jesus. Many treated Him very cruelly. To who did Jesus show favor to as He hung on the Cross? What does that tell about His heart towards us even when we fail to measure up?
  3. There is a different atmosphere at funeral of a person who had faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. What is it like? How does it differ from funerals where the faith of the deceased person is uncertain?
  4. One important part of our Christian testimony is how we live out our faith in everyday life? How should the assurance of the Resurrection affect our Christian witness when we or our believing loved ones face death?