Prayer Point for the WeekLet us pray that the Lord gives us favor with man to uncompromisingly teach and preach the word of God.

Questions for Reflection

1. There are many different reactions from people when we share with them the word of God. What are some positive reactions you have experienced? What are some of the negative ones? Is it possible to share the word of God with people without ever offending them?

2. Some say that our society is becoming increasingly indifferent and/or hostile to the Church. Do you see evidence of this? If so, in what way? In what ways are Christians persecuted in other areas of the world?

3. The Bible teaches us that during the current age, the world is under the rule of the nations. How is this shown in the actions of Jesus? What does this teach us about living for Jesus in our society?

4. What are the different opportunities of man’s favor that are needed for the Church? How do we go about pursuing man’s favor in a godly manner?