Prayer Point for the WeekLet us pray that God would teach us how to quiet our busy minds so that we will be better able to mediate on His grace and truth.

Questions for Reflection

1. One way to think of meditation is to mull over a thought in your mind over and over. In your daily scripture reading, do you look for a verse, phrase or thought to prayerfully mull over during the day?
2. Scripture teaches us that mediation is one way that God uses to give us revelation of Himself and His word. Have you ever come across a scripture that you have had difficulty understanding? Try meditating on that passage for a week. Journal your thoughts on the scripture every day. What did you learn about the scripture and Lord over this time of reflection?
3. Most Americans struggle with business and distractions. Evaluate you “Quiet Time” with God. Can you focus on Him or do you wrestle with distractions? How can you bring quietness to your soul so that you may hear clearly from God?