Prayer Point for the WeekLet us remember our children in prayer as they prepare for school this fall.

Questions for Reflection

1. Despite being made a “new creation”, the believer in Christ still remembers the sins of his/her past. Can this be a good thing? Why or why not? What examples, if any, are there in scripture where the memory of past failures has worked for someone’s good?
2. Despite being giving a loving, stable home, Gomer returned to her adulterous ways. What heart issue lead to her backsliding? What does that tell us about our walk of faith? Do you have areas that you have not surrendered to Jesus? Are those areas drawing you closer to Jesus or pushing you farther away?
3. Think of Gomer’s lifestyle prior to the two times that Hosea took her into his household. Was her behavior better or worse after she left Hosea? What does this tell us about the nature of God’s love?
4. How do failures, past and present, affect our ability to witness and minister? Read 1 Timothy 1:12-16. How does the mindfulness of our past enhance our personal ministry?