The Church’s website was recently compromised and was being used by a hacker to further some nafarious goals.
First, the hacker redirected all our posts to his site (which was a site riddled with bad things for your computer), fortunately Google had blocked that “redirect” and that was the pop up that some were seeing.

Second, after some forensics, I discovered that we were also being used as a fake “Royal Bank of Canada” website. I assume that we were a part of a phishing scheme, that is a scam where a user is sent to a website that looks EXACTLY like the real thing to trick the user into providing username and password information. I have fixed that as well.

I am forcing a password reset for everyone…I think there are some old user’s accounts in here that people don’t use anymore, and I don’t want them to be taken advantage of by others.

Lastly, your password will expire every 60-90 days (have to decide on the setting)…I know that stinks, but in the age we are in, it would be irresponsible to take a laissez-faire attitude with security.

Thanks, Matt