Think of the content of this site as a television.  There are many channels, Men’s Ministries, Women’s Ministries, Church News, etc.helpful_tips

Now, continuing the metaphor, every post that is made for that “channel” is a separate episode.  For example, when Pastor puts up a new sermon, he creates a new post with the sermon content and whatever else he sees fit to publish for that episode.

When you want to announce a meeting, publish some content for readers to reflect on, or post a link to an interesting news article, contributers should be creating new episodes for their channels.

Don’t edit old posts, unless there is something wrong with them that needs revision…create new posts instead.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Elaine

    Thanks, Matt, for helping us along and for keeping this website going. God bless you.

  2. Matt

    No Problem, and thank you.

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