For those of you that don’t know, we have a podcast of Pastor’s Sermons and Bible Teachings.  A “podcast” is sort-of like a newspaper subscription in that every week you get a new edition delivered to your door…but in this case the “paper” gets delivered to your computer for your mp3 player all automagically (or to play directly on the computer if you want).

We started the podcast back in May, but didn’t really advertise it until recently.  Below are the podcast’s statistics from the last couple of months. (hint…click the graph for bigger version)

Podcast Graph
Podcast Graph

Each bar represents the number of times a particular sermon has been listened to online.  The bar is broken down into “how” the sermon was listened to…either by downloading it directly from the link on the website, or by listening to it via our online player, or by listening to it via a delivered subscription (i.e. the podcast).

I thought it was interesting, Now…Lets get those numbers up!

P.S.  If you want to subscribe, just click the link on the right!  (Itunes Icon will subscribe you if you have Itunes…the middle icon is the link to paste into your audio program other than Itunes, and the last icon is the RSS feed for the entire site)