Prayer Point for the WeekAs we share Christ with others, let us pray that people who do not know the Lord will begin to develop a greater appreciation of the depth of the love of God for them.


Questions for Reflection:

Read Ephesians 2. This chapter uses several different words to illustrate a person’s standing with God before faith. How does “adoption” change the relationship of individuals? What does this teach us concerning the change in our relationship with Jesus?

There are costs and sacrifices that need to be made for an adoption to take place. What was the cost for our adoption into the family of God? Why was this cost necessary? What does this say about the depth of the love of God for us?

David was caught between his love for his son Absalom and his responsibility to insure and enforce justice. How does he give us insight into the heart of God for people? What was God able to do that David could not?

David gave his son Absalom unearned forgiveness for the crime of murder. What problems did this cause? How does this help us to understand the need for Christ to die for the sin of all mankind?