Clothing Due For Give-Away
Please be sure that your clothing donations for the Give-Away at the church by Wednesday, October19th. Thank you!
Please be sure that your clothing donations for the Give-Away at the church by Wednesday, October19th. Thank you!
We will meet at the church at 7:30 AM to load up and then head to St. Vincent DePaul on Clifford Street in Norwich. Please bring your clothing in by Sunday, October 16th. Thank you!
Join us as we pray for the Western Avenue neighborhood families and invite them out to "Trunk or Treat" on October 31st!
We will passing out candy to the children in the community. Hot and cold drinks will be available. Adults will receive a special gift. All welcome!
If you are donating a turkey and/or for our Thanksgiving food drive, please bring it in on Sunday, November 20th. Thank you!