Youth Convention will be held April 23rd & 24th at the Mass Mutual Center in Springfield, MA.
The cost for the convention is $90 which includes lodging and breakfast on Saturday morning. Registration is due April 3rd.
The pick-up schedule is as follows:
Friday, April 23rd
  • 3 PM – Meet @ the Church
  • 3:30 PM – Leave for Convention

Saturday, April 24th

  • 8PM Leave Convention
  • 10PM Arrive At Church

The full schedule for the convention can be found at

You will notice that Convention will dismiss later this year. This year they are presenting an abstinence program called “The Silver Ring Thing”. Information about this presentation can be found at If you do not wish your child to attend the presentation, you will need to pick him or her up after the afternoon session at the convention center.

We will stop at fast food restaurants after the Friday evening service and for lunch and dinner on Saturday. The children are responsible for their own meals. i suggest sending your child a bag lunch on the the trip to the convention on Friday night to keep down costs.

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the convention. Also, keep our kids in prayer as well as the convention itself.