Prayer Point for the Week – Let us pray for a greater anointing upon our ministry and witness as serve Christ this Fall.

Questions for Reflection

1. When you hear the name “Samson”, what words usually come to mind? How should we think of Samson in light of Hebrews 11:32-34?
2. How does the anointing of the Holy Spirit relate to Christian maturity? When does our maturing as a believer cease? What are the consequences of neglecting growth?
3. God uses whom He will in the exercise of spiritual gifts. What does the use of spiritual gifts say to the person being used by God? What does the administration of gifts teach the church in general?
4. Everyone experiences loss. Sometimes loss comes at the hands of the Enemy? How does god minister to us during seasons of loss?
5. Loss also comes as a consequence of sin. How does God use loss for our betterment?