Prayer Point for the Week – Let us prayer that we would be open with God and each other about out faults.

Questions for Reflection:

David chose to conceal his sin rather than acknowledge and deal with it. Why was it easier for him to hide his sin than to address it? Are there issues in your heart that you are more open to God and others about than others? Why is that so?

Despite David’s Best efforts, he could not conceal his sin. What does this teach us about the course of uninterrupted sin in our lives? Where will it eventually lead? How did God intervene in David’s life? What does this show us about God’s holiness? What does this show us about His grace?

God raised up Nathan as a witness against David. Some say Uriah was a subtler but equally powerful witness. In what way was that the case? What was David’s reaction to this witness? Can we expect similar types of witnesses in our lives? How should we respond to them? How do people typically respond?

Some people get so caught up in living a lie that they start to believe it. What indicates that this was most likely true in David’s life? What did Nathan say that indicates that others were not fooled by his deception?

The Holy Spirit is faithful to reveal our faults to us and to give us the strength to change. As in David’s case, God also uses others to confront and assist us. What are the qualities that Nathan possessed that we should look for in those who can help us work through our faults? What other qualities are necessary?