Prayer Point for the Week – Let us pray for healing and revival in our country.

 Questions for Reflection:

 In Genesis 22, the Bible tells us that God tested Abraham. What do you think that means? What insight does Jeremiah 17:10 give us concerning this? What was God looking for in Abraham’s heart?

 Genesis 15:6 tells us that Abraham was a man of faith. How did he demonstrate this in prior chapters? How did he demonstrate his faith in Genesis 22? List some of the remarkable things about his faith are seen in this chapter. How did his obedience to God in chapter 22 affect the promise he received in Genesis 12? What does this tell you about the depth of his faith?

 1 Corinthians 13:13 tells us that believers, in addition to faith, are to live in hope and love. How did Abraham demonstrate hope in God’s promises? What insight does Hebrews 11:19 give you concerning Abraham’s hope in the face of the death of his son? How should impossible circumstances affect out hope and faith?

 Jesus said in John 15:13 that the greatest demonstration of love is that of sacrifice. What does this show us about Abraham’s feelings for God? Has anyone ever demonstrated sacrificial love towards you? How did that make you feel? What does the Heavenly Father’s sacrifice of His Son say about His heart towards you? Do you find that you have to remind yourself of His love for you? Why is that?

 Loving another person more than ourselves is a difficult challenge. What scripture teaches us that it is possible to achieve this type of love? What instruction does that scripture give us? Do you demonstrate this level of love to the Lord? Are you willing to live sacrificially?