Prayer Point for the Week – Let us pray that God does more miracles of the heart in our church and community.

Questions for Reflection:

One of the many blessings of knowing God are the many promises we have through faith in Christ. In addition to scripture, what are the other sources of God’s promises? Write out some of the promises you received from God. How did God fulfill them? How does that affect your faith in the other promises of God? 

 The promises of God relate to both our natural and spiritual needs. Is God aware and does He identify with our needs? What insight does Hebrews 4:15 give us relating to God’s ability to relate to our struggles?

 The Bible teaches us that God’s promise are sure (“yes” and “amen”). Read Ephesians 3:20. To what extent should we expect the fulfillment of God’s promises? When going through difficulty, has God ever superseded one promise by simultaneously fulfilling a different promise in your life? What was the nature of the additional fulfillment? What does that tell you about God’s nature and will for your life?

 In Mark 2:1-12, there were four groups of people who came to see Jesus. Who are the groups and how would you characterize them? With which group was Jesus please with and why? What does that teach us regarding our hearts and His promises?

 The Bible contains many promises. What was the source of the promise of healing in today’s scripture text? What can we learn from their experience? How can we test “extra-biblical” promises?

 Philippians 4:19 teaches us that God will supply all our needs, both internal and external. Does God have any priority as to which kind of promises to fulfill? What does Mark 2 teach us? Have you experienced God working this way in your life?