Prayer Point for the Week Let us pray for revival.

Questions for Reflection

When we think of revival, we usually think of prayer? What events proceed from revival praying? What is our role in seeing these events become a reality? Can a praying church frustrate revival?

Faith and hope are sometimes pared together in scripture. Hope, in addition to faith, is also associated with Salvation. How are they similar? What does hope produce that faith does not? Was is that necessary?

In John 11, Martha demonstrates faith without hope. Have you ever been in a situation where you believed something was true but did not expect that truth for yourself? How did you move from resignation to expectancy? What can we do to ensure that we are living in both faith and hope?

Love is the third and critical ingredient in revival prayer. To whom did Jesus demonstrate love to? Is it possible to love one’s way of life more than people who do not know Christ? Is this an attitude that God honors?

Despite their sin, the Gospels portray sinners in a sympathetic light. There are some sins that we personally find more distasteful than others. How do we go about following the example of Jesus in our perception and treatment of sinners?