Prayer Point for the WeekLet us pray that our ministry would remain true to the word of God and that we would have a greater anointing upon our lives to preach and teach the Word.

Questions for Reflection

According to the message, what is the likelihood that believers will be exposed to errant doctrines? What are the dangers of falling into them? How do we insulate ourselves from such teachings? How can we test books and teachings that we may encounter?

Some churches become overly focused on one doctrine or group of doctrines rather than give balanced teaching and preaching. What are the consequences of such an approach? How can churches avoid falling into that? How can individuals?

Some churches resist preaching challenging and/or in-depth messages? What proof is there in scripture that both young people and young believers can handle challenging messages? What proof is there in the current day?

Some people have become disillusioned with church because they have difficulty understanding the things that are being taught and preached. What do we learn from Jesus’ ministry of the Word that can better enable us to share scripture? How should we counsel seekers?

 A healthy church is a church that learns to study the word of God for itself (Acts 17:11).  How easy is it to allow someone to read and study the Bible for you instead of reading it for yourself? What is the possible consequence of doing such a thing? What are some of the ways you (should) study the Bible?