Prayer Point for the WeekMay God awaken us and trouble us concerning the plight of his church so that we may earnestly pray.

Questions for Reflection

1. Although God is all-powerful, it is his will to use human instruments for His glory. How does that affect your feelings of purpose and responsibility? What do you see as your role in establishing god’s kingdom on earth? What are you doing to fulfill that role?

2. A trouble spirit affects our prayer life. How does it positively influence our prayers? How can it undermine our prayer life? How does the believer keep his/her troubled spirit in check?

3. In Nehemiah chapter 1, what are the elements of his prayer to God? How can we incorporate these elements into out prayers for our church (and for our country and family)? What do Nehemiah‘s heart and emotional state say about the heart and prayer?

4. Favor is a word used in Nehemiah, chapter 2. Whose favor is needed for effective Gospel ministry? Why is favor necessary? How does favor provide opportunity?